
Moving the Behemoth: Lessons from Three Innovative Organizations

To celebrate Eden Strategy Institute’s 10th year anniversary and 10 years of socially innovating with our invaluable clients and community, we have organised a three-part virtual conference titled Social Innovation – The Next Decade. Our series reflects on the past decade of innovation in organisations across the public, private, and non-profit sectors. It offers an opportunity to share learnings from the innovation journey with the broader community and envision where the social innovation space is headed towards in the next 10 years.

Our first series explore what it takes to move corporate giants to innovate with commercial and social outcomes in mind. The line-up of speakers for our first of three panels in the Social Innovation – The Next Decade virtual conference series sheds light on the how and why of leading effective innovation initiatives within large corporations. We heard from Achal Agarwal, Chief Strategy & Transformation Officer of Kimberly-Clark; Gary Lim, Head of Education for Google Cloud in Southeast Asia; and Cristan Yang, Country Director of Medtronic Philippines, each of whom shared first-hand experiences from their respective organisations. Participants walked away with stories, case studies, and best practices on social innovation in corporations from our insightful panel.